Workplace Mediation and Conflict Resolution Skills
This training program equips participants with the knowledge and techniques necessary to effectively resolve conflicts in professional settings. It empowers individuals to foster constructive dialogue, mitigate tensions, and promote a harmonious work environment.
Program Objectives:
At the end of this program, the participants will be able to:
Gain a comprehensive understanding of workplace mediation theory, practice, and methods.
Apply a proven model of effective workplace mediation.
Interpret cultural differences that impact the mediation process.
Enhance their skills in core mediation practices tailored for workplace conflict resolution.
Effectively address blockages encountered in the mediation process.
Understand the fundamentals of reaching and formalizing mediation agreements.
Gain self-awareness regarding their own abilities and limitations when conducting workplace mediation sessions.
Targeted Audience:
Team Leaders.
HR Professionals.
Employees who want to get new skills to improve their career.
Program Outlines:
Unit 1:
Introduction to Mediation Theory & Practice:
Models of mediation.
The workplace mediation process, When mediation works — and when it doesn’t.
Case study: Intervention.
The Mediator’s role, and Limitations of the role.
How mediation differs from other intervention.
Unit 2:
Understanding Conflict & Negotiation:
Introducing conflict theory.
Thomas-Killman Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI).
Conflict Handling Modes, Resolving Conflict.
Elements of Negotiation, Introduction to Reframing Techniques, and Stages of Negotiation.
The Coleman Raider “Bare-Bones” Model.
Possible Negotiation Outcomes.
Unit 3:
Elements of Workplace Mediation:
The 7-step ‘Eastburn’ framework for effective workplace mediation.
Introducing Role play methods.
Case Study Discussion.
Caucusing Role Play, Mediation Role Play.
Feedback and discussion on role-plays.
Unit 4:
Effectiveness of Workplace Mediation:
Joint or Co-Mediation.
Mediators at Work.
Icebergs and elephants.
Extensive Co-Mediation Role Plays.
Politics of Discourse.
Extended role-plays debriefing.
Blockages – moving disputants forward.
Unit 5:
Reaching Agreements & Mediation Ethics:
Reaching and formalizing agreements.
Agreements Role Plays.
Ethical framework for practice.
Ongoing professional development.