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 Strategic Leadership for Executive Seniors ST2191 QR Code
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Strategic Leadership for Executive Seniors



The traits of strategic leadership in any organization include developing a winning strategy, excellence in execution through teams and individuals, and optimal resource utilization to manage change in the always-changing environment. Senior managers will benefit from this training on strategic leadership by better understanding the components of vision, purpose, strategy, and values. This training will help participants become more self-aware and assist them in leading change more successfully to meet organizational goals.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Discover the main advantages of strategic leadership.
  • Learn fresh information about the company's goals and objectives.
  • Develop winning tactics to achieve the company's objectives.
  • Thrive in times of competition Integrate the techniques into the organization's culture and its procedures
  • Take on a new outlook for the top and bottom lines.
  • Improved Culture of team empowerment and performance
  • Enhanced influencing and persuading abilities

Targeted Audience

  • Senior Management Team
  • General Management Executives
  • Heads of the Departments
  • Strategic Planners, Business Analysts
  • Supervisors in charge of client development

Course Outline

Unit 1:

  • What is leadership?
  • Characteristics of a manager vs. leader
  • Understand the different Leadership styles
  • Leadership in the current scenario
  • Assessment of the attendee’s current style of leadership

Unit 2:

  • Understand the organization's goals and objectives.
  • Corporate identity and strategy coordination
  • Align your aspirations with those of the business.
  • Utilize your leadership skills in light of the VUCA environment.
  • Learn how your routines and habits might help you achieve greater results.

Unit 3:

  • Characteristics of a world-class and high-performing team
  • Aligning the roles and responsibilities of the team with business strategy
  • Focus on the growth of the team and individuals
  • Measuring the performance of the team
  • Being Emotionally Intelligent
  • Managing conflict in the team
  • Retention of the high-performing team members
  • Succession Planning
  • Accepting Diversity and Challenges

Unit 4:

  • What is change management and its importance?
  • Identify the maturity level of your Organisation
    • Is your organization ready to embrace change?
    • Is your team ready to accept change?
  • Using interactive facilitation and self-reflection to introduce change
  • Launching and mobilizing the process of change in the organization

Unit 5:

  • Understand how delegation fits into your job
  • Ways to delegate
  • Process of delegation
  • Communication during the delegation
  • Monitoring during the delegation
  • Sharing effective feedback
  • Pitfalls during delegation and their avoidance

Unit 6:

  • Understand how to become better at interpersonal relationships
  • Building a network to gain valuable insights into business
  • Leadership in times of Contingency
  • Collaborative decision-making
  • Innovation and Best-practices

Unit 7:

  • Consider how important it is to build your team and business with the best personnel.
  • Matching the suitable candidate with the organization's vision and strategy when recruiting
  • ability to interview, specifically using the BEI interviewing method
  • Orientation of new employees
  • ensuring the team's and new hires' retention

Unit 8:

  • What is influence?
  • Elements and factors for influencing others
  • Major influencing strategies
  • Understanding exemplary leadership
  • Walk the talk
  • Dealing with challenging attitudes and behaviors

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