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 Seminar The Foundation of Leadership TS1849 QR Code
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Seminar: The Foundation of Leadership



The Foundations of Leadership course is designed to help the participants to put effective, collaborative methods of leadership to work in their businesses and leverage the leadership potential of all members of their teams. Participants focus on developing their leadership skills and personal character, as well as explore strategies for building a team of strong people who will support each other, deal with difficult problems in an effective manner, and take liability for results. Effective leaders are those who control the inner compass that guides their daily actions and enables them to gain the trust of their co-workers. The next generation of business practices can ensure success by developing outstanding leaders who empower leaders at all levels everywhere their business.

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course the participants will be able to:

  • Provide leaders with a series of strategies, activities, and cases at five levels of change: individual, interpersonal, team, organization, and network.
  • Discover the core competencies required for exemplary leadership.
  • Examine the ethical aspects of leadership and values which drive lasting results.
  • Enhance others’ perceptions of you as a leader with integrity.
  • Build the right culture for people and processes to support your strategy.
  • Provides a comprehensive account of a set of applied activities and associated cases to promote the acquisition of leadership practices in most institutional settings.

Targeted Audience:

  • Managers
  • Supervisors
  • Members of the executive committee
  • Team Leaders
  • Employees who want to gain important skills to improve their career path.
  • Potential team leaders.

Course Outlines:

Unit 1: Transforming the Individual Leader:

  • Personal leadership goals
  • Individual Leadership development
  • Individual leadership behaviors
  • The mindset of a leader
  • Leadership practice and organizational citizenship
  • The leadership hang time


Unit 2: Team Level Leadership Essentials:

  • Facilitative leadership skills
  • Concurrent leadership
  • Situational development of leaders
  • The various roles of leaders
  • Team development in leadership
  • Improving my team

Unit 3: Organizational Leadership Management:

  • The Change process of leaders
  • How leaders impact organizational culture
  • Enhancing leadership values
  • Understanding the leadership “Self” within the organization
  • Developing organizational commitment and meaning
  • Discovering meaning in leadership

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