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 Seminar Leadership Development Self Awareness Skills and Strategies TS1841 QR Code
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Seminar: Leadership Development: Self-Awareness, Skills and Strategies



The best leaders thoroughly understand themselves. Time and time again, research has shown that self-awareness and self-direction are two essential factors in leadership effectiveness. As leaders gain a better sense of themselves and a clearer plan to self-actualization.

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course the participants will be able to: 

  • View leadership from a new and higher-level perspective
  • Discover and analyze their leadership style and tendencies
  • Grow in personal power and effectiveness
  • Discover the “inner” leader as a source of growth
  • Take team development to new levels of achievement
  • Learn to lead through excellent communication skills
  • Avoid many of the difficult people and HR problems that plaques many organizations
  • Promote increased employee cooperation, increased motivation increased productivity, and increased profits
  • Recognize their own emotions as well as the emotions of others
  • Improve their ability to communicate, influence, and work with others

Targeted Audience:

  • Managers among all managerial levels
  • Supervisors & Team leaders
  • Human resources department
  • People interested in developing their skills

Course Outlines:

Unit 1: Master Keys of Effective Leadership:

  • The principles of leadership
  • The mind of the leader
  • The heart of the leader
  • The practices of effective leaders
  • The five roles leaders play
  • Leadership self-assessment
  • Rebalance your leadership style for optimal results

Unit 2: Towards Emotional Self-Awareness: 

  • Growing your power
  • Achieving emotional excellence
  • Self-leadership through inner mastery
  • Success through a positive attitude
  • Your time and your life
  • Increasing personal productivity
  • Direction through personal Integrity
  • Designing a strategic plan for your life and career

Unit 3: Mastering People Skills:

  • Understanding Interdependence
  • Wining through effective communication
  • The active listening model
  • The four styles of communication
  • Dealing with conflict constructively
  • Using the principles of influence & persuasion
  • Speaking and presenting skillfully
  • The art of win-win negotiation

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