Euro-training Center
 Seminar Building amp Managing Strategic Partnerships TS1870 QR Code
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Seminar: Building & Managing Strategic Partnerships



This program will provide the participant the know-how to: Understand Strategic alliances; Management system needs of Strategic alliances; Causes of Failure of Alliances; Determining the suitability of a proposed alliance

Also Covered: Prequalification System for Potential Partnerships, Using Partnership Concepts for Developing Internal Improvement Projects, Vendors and Suppliers, Research Cooperation, Consultant or Professional Services Suppliers and Outsourcing Business Processes

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course the participants will be able to:

  • Produce a strategic map of prospective allies and potential arrangements
  • Analyze and rank-order “best” opportunities
  • Design a compelling value proposition for a proposed arrangement
  • Explain the benefits and costs of different deal-alliance structures
  • Develop an execution plan for an arrangement, including monitoring-assessing success

Targeted Audience:

  • Everyone Involved in Partnership & Alliance: Proposal Preparation, Evaluation of Existing Alliances, Negotiation, and Making Alliances Work. All participants will take away a good multi-discipline understanding of the issues involved in their work. The program will help participants quickly become productive quickly and help build a knowledge framework that will help them identify, understand, classify and remember this program discussed technology, On the job learning, and life experiences.

Course Outlines:

Unit 1:

  • Major Practical Problems
  • Some Industry Terminology
  • The Legal Requirements & Implications
  • Partnership Formation Business Process


Unit 2:

  • Strategic Goals of Partnerships
  • Golden Rules of strategic partnerships or alliances
  • How we will implement the Post Partnership Agreement Activities?
  • What will be required to Make the partnership Work?

Unit 3:

  • Partnership Success Periodic Reviews & KPIs
  • Prequalification System for Potential Partnerships
  • Using Partnership Concepts for Developing Vendors and Suppliers; Research Cooperation; Consultant or Professional Services Suppliers; Outsourcing Business Processes.
  • Program Recommendations

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