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 Construction Contract Planning and Claims Counter O2491 QR Code
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Construction Contract Planning and Claims Counter



This training program offers participants a comprehensive understanding of effective contract planning and claims management within the construction industry. It empowers them to enhance project efficiency, mitigate risks, and handle claims proactively.

Program Objectives:

At the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the fundamentals of construction contract planning.

  • Identify potential claims and manage them effectively.

  • Develop strategies for proactive claims prevention and resolution.

  • Navigate legal and contractual complexities in construction projects.

  • Enhance project efficiency and minimize disputes.

Targeted Audience:

  • Project Managers.

  • Construction Managers.

  • Contract Administrators.

  • Quantity Surveyors.

  • Legal Advisors in the construction industry.

  • Engineers and Architects.

Program Outline:

Unit 1:

Fundamentals of Construction Contract Planning:

  • Overview of construction contract types and structures.

  • Key components of construction contracts.

  • Techniques for effective contract planning and scheduling.

  • Importance of clear and detailed contract documentation.

  • Case studies on successful contract planning.

Unit 2:

Identifying and Managing Potential Claims:

  • Common types of claims in construction projects.

  • Early identification of potential claims.

  • Documenting and quantifying claims.

  • Communication strategies for managing claims.

  • Real-world examples of claim management.

Unit 3:

Claims Prevention Strategies:

  • Proactive measures to prevent claims.

  • Risk assessment and mitigation techniques.

  • Effective contract administration practices.

  • Developing clear project scope and deliverables.

  • Best practices for avoiding disputes.

Unit 4:

Legal and Contractual Complexities:

  • Understanding legal aspects of construction contracts.

  • Navigating contract amendments and variations.

  • Managing delays, disruptions, and unforeseen conditions.

  • Legal remedies and dispute resolution options.

  • Case studies on handling contractual complexities.

Unit 5:

Claims Resolution and Dispute Management:

  • Techniques for resolving construction claims.

  • Alternative dispute resolution methods: mediation, arbitration, adjudication.

  • Drafting and negotiating settlement agreements.

  • Role of experts in claims evaluation and resolution.

  • Strategies for minimizing project disruptions due to claims.


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