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Conference: Financial Analysis, Planning & Controlling Budgets



This conference brings together important areas of financial management, planning, and control: Financial Analysis, Planning, and Control; Setting & Controlling Budgets. It will help business professionals.

Conference Objectives:

At the end of this conference the participants will be able to: 

  • Understand strategic planning and budgeting.
  • Link finance and operations for budgeting purposes and strategy execution.
  • Learn how to build a comprehensive performance measurement system.
  • Learn costing and budgeting terminology used in business.
  • Understand the importance of a well-defined costing and budgeting process.
  • Understand cost behavior more accurately.
  • Be able to perform and interpret variance analysis.

Targeted Audience:

  • Project Management
  • Financial Analysts
  • Financial Controllers
  • Accountants
  • Treasurers
  • Corporate Planning
  • Also, this conference is suitable for all management levels among the organization

Conference Outline:

Unit 1: The Challenge of Financial Economic Decision-Making:

  • The practice of financial-economic analysis
  • Corporate value and shareholder value
  • A dynamic perspective of business Benchmarking your own strategic position/competitor analysis
  • The agency problem and corporate governance
  • What information and data to use?
  • The nature of financial statements
  • The context of financial analysis and decision-making

Unit 2: Assessment of Business Performance:

  • Ratio analysis and business performance
  • Management’s point of view
  • Owners’ point of view
  • Lenders’ point of view
  • Ratios as a system – pyramids of ratios
  • Integration of financial performance analysis – the Dupont system
  • Economic value added (EVA)
  • Predicting financial distress

Unit 3: Projection of Financial Requirements:

  • Interrelationship of financial projections
  • Operating budgets
  • Standard costing and variance analysis
  • Cash forecasts and cash budgets
  • Sensitivity analysis
  • Dynamics and growth of the business system
  • Operating leverage
  • Financial growth plans
  • Financial modeling

Unit 4: Analysis of Investment Decisions:

  • Applying time-adjusted measures
  • Net present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR)
  • Strategic perspective
  • EVA and NPV
  • Refinements of investment analysis
  • Equivalent annual cost (EAC)
  • Modified internal rate of return (MIRR)
  • Sensitivity analysis, scenario analysis, simulation, and NPV break-even
  • Dealing with risk and changing circumstances

Unit 5: Valuation and Business Performance:

  • Managing for shareholder value
  • Shareholder value creation in perspective
  • Evolution of value-based methodologies
  • Creating value in restructuring and combinations
  • Financial strategy in acquisitions
  • Business valuation
  • Business restructuring and reorganizations
  • Management buyouts (MBOs) and management buy-ins (MBIs)

Unit 6: Strategic and Financial Planning:

  • Financial VS Managerial Accounting
  • Exploring the linkages between strategy, budgeting, costing and performance measurement
  • Understanding what strategic planning is and why it is important
  • Mission; Vision; Strategy; Goals and Objectives
  • The outside environment and the internal context: SWOT and PESTEL analysis
  • What is happening in your company
  • Looking for the drivers of value creation

Unit 7: The Framework for Budgeting:

  • What is a budget - why create a budget?
  • The budgeting framework
  • Various types of budgets
  • The budgeting process and the human side of budgeting
  • Sales forecasting and budgeting schedules
  • What is the budgeting process in your company?
  • Top-down VS Bottom-up budget
  • Incremental VS Zero-Based

Unit 8: Cost Analysis for Budgeting:

  • What is costing? Defining costs
  • Cost behavior – Fixed and variable
  • Breakeven models - The Equation Method
  • The contribution margin concept
  • Direct and indirect costs
  • Traditional VS Activity Based Costing
  • Product VS period costs

Unit 9: Budgeting - Controlling The Budget Variances:

  • What is the situation in your organization?
  • Is budgeting organized by department and/or projects?
  • Budget variance analysis
  • Describe the difference between a static budget and a flexible budget
  • Compute flexible-budget variances and sales-volume variances
  • Explain why standard costs are often used in variance analysis
  • Integrate continuous improvement into variance analysis

Unit 10: Beyond Budgeting: Broadening Performance Measurement Systems:

  • Advantages and disadvantages of budgeting
  • How to improve budgeting in your organization
  • What next? Beyond the Budget…
  • The Balanced Scorecard: linking Strategy to budgeting to Performance Measurement
  • Financial perspective, Customer perspective
  • Internal Business Process perspective, Learning and growth perspective
  • Developing and adapting the scorecard

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