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The Leadership Journey



This training program will give you the tools you need to lead people, whether it is a team, department, or the whole organization. It will give you a step by step guide to leading people, and introduce you to techniques and methodologies that have been used by the great leaders throughout history. This is far more than a leadership training program; this will allow you to discover the hidden art of Leadership, Communication, and Vision.

Program Objectives:

At the end of this program, the participants will be able to:

  • Understand the real meaning of leadership.

  • Become a master of communication and influence.

  • Increase their level of influence on others.

  • Create and control the power of vision and visualization.

  • Motivate and inspire people.

  • Learn how to have a magnetic personality.

  • Create momentum and urgency within yourself and others.

  • Learn how to be a much stronger leader.

  • Clarify their business and personal vision.

Targeted Audience:

  • Managers.

  • Supervisors.

  • Team Leaders.

  • Employees interested in leadership positions.

Program Outlines:

Unit 1:


  • What is true leadership, lessons from the past masters.

  • Modern leadership and its impact on business.

  • Human behavior, predictable outcomes.

  • The new business reality and its impact on us all.

  • Force field analysis and the comfort zone.

  • Employee mentality VS entrepreneurial spirit.

  • The equalizer effect.

  • Leaders VS Managers.

Unit 2:


  • How to create a vision.

  • How to harness the power of vision through visualization.

  • Psycho cybernetics and its connection with the vision.

  • Goal setting the key to making the vision reality.

  • The mastermind group.

  • Positive mental attitude, gaining power from a strong vision.

  • Linking vision to mission and values.

  • Vision timeline, mathematical coaching model.

Unit 3:


  • Discover your communication style.

  • Identify other peoples communication style.

  • Learn how to motivate and influence each of the styles.

  • Body language, and the 5 levels of listening.

  • Advanced questioning techniques.

  • Selling your ideas and vision.

  • How to get buy-in from others.

  • Selling your ideas through excellence in communication.

Unit 4:


  • How to create a culture of innovation.

  • How to engage your people to generate new ideas.

  • Left brain, right brain, and innovation, Creative thinking and problem solving.

  • Suggestion boxes, and reward criteria.

  • Quantity VS Quality on innovation projects, Sticky note innovation.

  • Absolute VS Desirable criteria.

  • Using multi-disciplined employees to gain width and depth.

  • Using innovation to reduce costs.

Unit 5:

Influencing Skills:

  • The relationship bank account.

  • The 10 guaranteed deposits.

  • Confidence is king.

  • The give to get the ratio.

  • The fire within, Enthusiasm.

  • Time to get passionate.

  • The BE. DO.GET model.

  • The pipeline principle.

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