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 The Certified Strategist Advanced Tools and Techniques 16 Sep Baku Azerbaijan QR Code
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Strategy & Strategic Planning

The Certified Strategist: Advanced Tools and Techniques

REF : ST2203 DATES: 16 - 20 Sep 2024 VENUE: Baku (Azerbaijan)-Holiday Inn Baku FEE : 5830 



An efficient way to comprehend how strategy is developed and carried out is to take this Strategy Excellence training course. All professionals and leaders have the chance to learn how to translate strategy into effective operational performance. A thorough execution model that supports both long-term and short-term planning cycles, both strategically and financially, is necessary for Strategy Focused Organizations (SFO). The execution model will support all management procedures in order to track and analyze the success of strategic objectives as well as continuously review and evaluate performance. The foundation for connecting strategy, planning, operations, and risk on a single platform will be offered through this training course on strategy excellence.

A successful approach alone is insufficient. To realize the organizational goal, an effective execution model is needed. When asked what their top priority was in 2006, Senior Executives responded that "Strategy Execution" was their top priority. Numerous studies conducted over the past 20 years show that due to inadequate "Strategy Execution," 60 to 80 percent of organizations fall far short of the goals outlined in their strategic plan. The Gurus of BSC and Strategy Execution, Professor Robert Kaplan and David Norton, undertook a survey on the state of strategy execution and discovered that the majority of organizations lacked formal procedures to assist them in carrying out their strategies.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course, the participants will be able to:

  • Understand and apply the Planning and Execution Framework
  • Develop and communicate strategic vision, mission and intent
  • Understand how to turn strategy into actionable, operational plans
  • Set the conditions for successful execution of strategy and plans by creating optimal support structures, systems and processes
  • Execute on the plans and lead tactically in the face of obstacles and challenges

Targeted Audience:

  • both functional and line managers
  • experts in business and other organizations who are in charge of strategy, marketing, business development, operations, HR, product development, and other functional divisions
  • Managers at the intermediate and advanced levels
  • Supervisors and team leaders across all industries, including the public and private, for-profit and not-for-profit

Course outline:

Unit One: Understanding Strategy and Strategy Execution

  • Defining and Understanding of Strategy 
  • Linking Strategy to Action 
  • Setting Long Term Organisational Destination - Strategy is about Where are you Heading
  • Strategy Documentation, Communication and Duration
  • Defining Strategy and Operational Effectiveness - What is the difference?
  • Barriers and Success Factors related to Strategy Execution including Leadership and Culture

Unit Two: From Vision to Results: The Planning and Execution Framework

  • Understanding the distinction between Strategy, Operations and Tactics
  • How Planning and Execution Work
  • Impact of Mission and Vision Statements on Strategic Planning
  • Mission Analysis and Mission Leadership
  • Measuring Progress and Results
  • The Gap between Strategy and Performance

Unit Three: Turning Strategy into Actionable Plan

  • Invisibility of Performance Bottlenecks to Top Management
  • Under Performance Culture Impact on Strategy and Performance Gap
  • How to close the strategy and performance gap
  • The Four Successful Steps in Turning Strategy into Actionable Plan
  • Building A Strategy – Focused Organisation (SFO)
  • The Six Loop Strategy Execution System including the Office of Strategy Management (OSM)

Unit Four: Understanding the Meaning of Performance Measurements and Management

  • Why do we need Performance Management System?
  • Characteristics of Good Measures
  • The Balanced Scorecard
  • Defining Critical Success Factors
  • Organisational Excellence
  • How to Develop and Standardise Performance Metrics

Unit Five: Implementing a Successful Performance Management System

  • Gaining Management Commitment and Selecting a Winning Team
  • Planning for Success – Strategic Business Planning Framework
  • Performance Contract Framework
  • The usage of charts in presenting effective reports
  • Complete exercise on how to develop a Balanced Scorecard from scratch
  • Conclusion and Wrap Up