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 Strategy Building and Sustaining Competitive Advantage ST129 QR Code
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Strategy Building and Sustaining Competitive Advantage



This training program is designed to provide participants with a deep understanding of how to develop, execute, and maintain competitive strategies in an ever-evolving business landscape. It focuses on strategic analysis, competitive positioning, and the continuous adaptation necessary to stay ahead in the market.

Program Objectives:

By the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Analyze industry trends and competitive dynamics to inform strategic decisions.

  • Develop strategies that leverage core competencies to create a sustainable competitive advantage.

  • Implement effective strategies to respond to competitive threats and market changes.

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of strategies and adapt them based on performance and environmental shifts.

  • Foster a culture of strategic thinking and agility within their organizations.

Targeted Audience:

  • Business leaders and senior executives.

  • Strategic planners and business development managers.

  • Entrepreneurs and business owners.

  • Management consultants focused on business strategy.

  • Professionals in roles responsible for crafting and implementing competitive strategies.

Program Outline:

Unit 1:

Understanding Competitive Landscapes:

  • Overview of the strategic management process.

  • Tools for analyzing industry structure and competitive forces.

  • Techniques for identifying market opportunities and threats.

  • The role of market segmentation in targeting strategic initiatives.

Unit 2:

Crafting Competitive Strategies:

  • Developing unique value propositions that differentiate from competitors.

  • Strategies for cost leadership, differentiation, and focus.

  • Utilizing the Blue Ocean Strategy for creating uncontested market spaces.

  • Balancing short-term gains with long-term strategic goals.

  • Aligning organizational resources to support strategic objectives.

Unit 3:

Implementing and Managing Strategic Initiatives:

  • Key factors for successful strategy implementation.

  • Managing and mitigating risks associated with strategic decisions.

  • Tools for monitoring and controlling strategic initiatives.

  • Leadership and change management techniques for strategy execution.

  • Importance of Engaging stakeholders in supporting and sustaining strategic plans.

Unit 4:

Adapting to Changing Markets:

  • Techniques for continuous environmental scanning and learning.

  • Agile strategy-making: responding quickly to market changes.

  • Strategic renewal and transformation processes.

  • Innovation as a tool for competitive advantage.

  • Case studies on adaptive strategies in volatile markets.

Unit 5:

Building a Strategic Culture:

  • Fostering a strategic mindset across the organization.

  • Importance of Training and development programs to enhance strategic thinking skills.

  • Approaches for Creating systems and processes that encourage strategic innovation.

  • Building and sustaining strategic capabilities.

  • Evaluating and rewarding strategic thinking and execution.

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