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Certified Scrum Developer CSD



This training program provides participants with essential knowledge and skills to become a Certified Scrum Developer (CSD). It empowers them to understand Agile principles, Scrum framework, and practices essential for effective software development within Scrum teams.

Program Objectives:

At the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Understand Agile values and principles.

  • Apply Scrum practices and ceremonies in software development.

  • Collaborate effectively within Scrum teams.

  • Develop high-quality software using Agile engineering practices.

Targeted Audience:

  • Software Developers.

  • QA Engineers.

  • Technical Leads.

  • Personnel involved in Agile software development processes.

Program Outline:

Unit 1:

Agile and Scrum Fundamentals:

  • Introduction to Agile methodologies.

  • Agile Manifesto and principles.

  • Scrum framework overview: roles, events, and artifacts.

  • Scrum values and their importance in team dynamics.

  • Comparing Scrum with other Agile frameworks ( Kanban, XP).

Unit 2:

Agile Software Development Practices:

  • User Stories: writing, estimating, and refining.

  • Sprint Planning: preparing backlog items for development.

  • Daily Stand-ups: conducting effective daily Scrum meetings.

  • Sprint Review and Retrospective: evaluating sprint results and continuous improvement.

  • Definition of Done (DoD) and its role in delivering increments.

Unit 3:

Test-Driven Development (TDD):

  • TDD principles and benefits.

  • Red-Green-Refactor cycle in TDD.

  • Writing unit tests using testing frameworks (JUnit, NUnit).

  • Integration of TDD with Scrum development process.

  • Continuous integration and automated testing practices.

Unit 4:

Pair Programming and Code Reviews:

  • Pair Programming: benefits and techniques.

  • Conducting effective pair programming sessions.

  • Code Reviews: principles and best practices.

  • Peer feedback and collaborative code improvement.

  • Tools and techniques for code collaboration ( GitHub, Bitbucket).

Unit 5:

Agile Software Design and Refactoring:

  • Principles of Agile software design.

  • Refactoring techniques and patterns (SOLID principles).

  • Implementing design patterns in Agile projects.

  • Emergent design and evolutionary architecture.

  • Balancing flexibility and maintainability in Agile development.

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