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 The Advanced Strategies for Human Resource Management ST1544 booking QR Code
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The Advanced Strategies for Human Resource Management



This training program delves into the advanced strategies of Human Resource Management (HRM), empowering participants with cutting-edge practices and insights for managing the workforce in today's dynamic and complex business environment.

Program Objectives:

By the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Implement advanced HR strategies that align with global business trends.

  • Utilize analytics and big data to drive HR decision-making.

  • Enhance employee engagement and retention through innovative HR practices.

  • Develop leadership within HR to foster a culture of growth and adaptability.

  • Navigate complex legal and ethical HR challenges effectively.

Targeted Audience:

  • Senior HR Executives.

  • HR Managers.

  • Organizational Development Specialists.

  • Corporate Leaders.

  • Talent Management Professionals.

Program Outline:

Unit 1:

Strategic HR Management:

  • Overview of strategic HR planning and alignment with business goals.

  • Developing HR strategies that support long-term organizational objectives.

  • Integrating HR strategy with corporate governance.

  • Advanced workforce planning techniques.

  • Role of HR as a strategic partner in the organization.

Unit 2:

HR Analytics and Technology:

  • Leveraging HR analytics to enhance decision-making and organizational performance.

  • Tools and technologies driving HR innovation.

  • Impact of artificial intelligence and machine learning on HR practices.

  • Implementing effective HR information systems (HRIS).

  • Data privacy and security in HR technology.

Unit 3:

Talent Management and Development:

  • Advanced techniques for talent acquisition and retention.

  • Designing and implementing comprehensive employee development programs.

  • Succession planning and leadership development strategies.

  • Managing and enhancing employee performance.

  • Creating a resilient organizational culture.

Unit 4:

Employee Engagement and Workplace Environment:

  • Innovative practices for boosting employee engagement.

  • Building and maintaining a positive workplace culture.

  • Strategies for managing remote and diverse workforces.

  • Employee wellness and work-life balance initiatives.

  • Addressing workplace conflict and ensuring employee satisfaction.

Unit 5:

Legal and Ethical Considerations in HRM:

  • Navigating complex employment laws and regulations.

  • Ensuring compliance with global HR standards.

  • Ethical challenges in HR management.

  • Managing HR risks in a globalized business environment.

  • Case studies on ethical decision-making in HR.

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