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 ORACLE PLSQL Fundamentals Training Course 11 Aug Dubai UAE QR Code
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IT Management

ORACLE PL/SQL Fundamentals Training Course

REF : B1614 DATES: 11 - 15 Aug 2024 VENUE: Dubai (UAE) FEE : 5310 



This 5-day course gives an introduction to ORACLE PL/SQL, an application development environment that enables the writing of stored procedures, functions, and triggers using both SQL and PL/SQL commands. The course takes the format of a workshop, with a mix of lectures, working examples, and practical exercises. 

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course, the participants will be able to:

  •  Handle runtime errors
  •  Describe stored procedures and functions
  •  Use cursors to process rows
  •  Design PL/SQL anonymous block that executes efficiently
  •  Describe the features and syntax of PL/SQL,
  •  Use PL/SQL programming constructs and conditionally control code flow (loops, control structures, and explicit cursors)
  •  Check index fragmentation and maintain them.


Targeted Audience:

  • Anyone who wants to start a career in SQL database administration
  • Anyone who wants to have complete SQL database training to get a job in IT
  • Anyone who wants to advance his/her career
  • Anyone who wants to master the SQL command-line skills
  • IT professionals

Course Outlines:

Unit 1: Introduction

  • Aims and Objectives
  • Course Schedule
  • Introductions
  • Pre-requisites
  • Responsibilities

SQL Tools

  • Objectives
  • SQL Developer
  • SQL Developer - Connection
  • Viewing Table Information
  • Using SQL, SQL Developer - Query
  • SQL*Plus Login
  • Direct Connection
  • Using SQL*Plus
  • Ending the Session
  • SQL*Plus Commands
  • SQL*Plus Environment
  • SQL*Plus Prompt
  • Finding Information about Tables
  • Getting Help
  • Using SQL Files
  • iSQL*Plus, Entity Models
  • The ORDERS Tables
  • The FILM Tables
  • Course Tables Handout
  • SQL Statement Syntax
  • SQL*Plus Commands

Unit 2: What is PL/SQL?

  • What is PL/SQL?
  • Why Use PL/SQL?
  • Block Structure
  • Displaying a Message
  • Sample Code
  • Update Example, Style Guide


  • Variables
  • Datatypes
  • Setting Variables
  • Constants
  • Local and Global Variables
  • %Type Variables
  • Substitution Variables
  • Comments with &
  • Verify Option
  • && Variables
  • Define and Undefine

Unit 3: SELECT Statement

  • SELECT Statement

  • Populating Variables
  • %Rowtype Variables
  • CHR Function
  • Self Study
  • PL/SQL Records
  • Example Declarations

Conditional Statement

  • IF Statement
  • SELECT Statement
  • Self Study
  • Case Statement

Trapping Errors

  • Exception
  • Internal Errors
  • Error Code and Message
  • Using No Data Found
  • User Exceptions
  • Raise Application Error
  • Trapping Non-defined Errors
  • Commit and Rollback
  • Self Study
  • Nested Blocks
  • Workshop

Unit 4: Iteration - Looping

  • Loop Statement
  • While Statement
  • For Statement
  • Goto Statement and Labels


  • Cursors
  • Cursor Attributes
  • Explicit Cursors
  • Explicit Cursor Example
  • Declaring the Cursor
  • Declaring the Variable
  • Open, Fetching the First Row
  • Fetching the Next Row
  • Exit When %Notfound
  • Close
  • For Loop I
  • For Loop II
  • Update Example
  • Commit with Cursors
  • Validation Example I
  • Validation Example II
  • Cursor Parameters,
  • Workshop
  • Workshop Solution

Procedures, Functions and Packages

  • Create Statement
  • Parameters
  • Procedure Body
  • Showing Errors
  • Describe a Procedure
  • Calling Procedures
  • Calling Procedures in SQL*Plus
  • Using Output Parameters
  • Calling with Output Parameters
  • Creating Functions
  • Example Function
  • Showing Errors
  • Describe a Function
  • Calling Functions
  • Calling Functions in SQL*Plus
  • Modular Programming
  • Example Procedure
  • Calling Functions
  • Calling Functions In An IF Statement
  • Creating Packages
  • Package Example
  • Reasons for Packages
  • Public and Private Sub-programs
  • Showing Errors
  • Describe a Package
  • Calling Packages in SQL*Plus
  • Calling Packages From Sub-Programs
  • Dropping a Sub-Program
  • Finding Sub-programs
  • Creating a Debug Package
  • Calling the Debug Package
  • Positional and Named Notation
  • Parameter Default Values
  • Recompiling Procedures and Functions
  • Workshop

Unit 5: Triggers

  • Creating Triggers
  • Statement Triggers
  • Row Level Triggers
  • WHEN Restriction
  • Selective Triggers - IF
  • Showing Errors
  • Commit in Triggers
  • Restrictions
  • Mutating Triggers
  • Finding Triggers
  • Dropping a Trigger
  • Generating an Auto-number
  • Disabling Triggers
  • Enabling Triggers
  • Trigger Names

Sample Data

  • ORDER Tables
  • FILM Tables
  • EMPLOYEE Tables

Dynamic SQL

  • SQL in PL/SQL
  • Binding
  • Dynamic SQL
  • Native Dynamic SQL
  • DDL and DML
  • DBMS_SQL Package
  • Dynamic SQL - SELECT
  • Dynamic SQL - SELECT Procedure

Using Files

  • Using Text Files
  • UTL_FILE Package
  • Write/Append Example
  • Read Example
  • Trigger Example
  • DBMS_ALERT Packages
  • DBMS_JOB Package


  • %Type Variables
  • Record Variables
  • Collection Types
  • Index-By Tables
  • Setting Values
  • Nonexistent Elements
  • Nested Tables
  • Nested Table Initialisation
  • Using the Constructor
  • Adding to a Nested Table
  • Varrays
  • Varray Initialization
  • Adding Elements to a Varray
  • Multilevel Collections
  • Bulk Bind
  • Bulk Bind Example
  • Transactional Issues