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 Modern International Standards of Internal Audit Function 8 Sep Dubai UAE QR Code
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Modern International Standards of Internal Audit Function

REF : C1987 DATES: 8 - 12 Sep 2024 VENUE: Dubai (UAE) FEE : 5310 



The development, monitoring, and continued improvement of a highly-integrated, internal audit function is essential for the continued financial success, stability, and growth of world-class business entities. A well-designed and effective internal audit system will provide verification and support that accounting and financial policies, procedures, and controls are working adequately and will spotlight any significant matters that need attention.

Conference Objectives:

At the end of this conference, the participants will be able to:

  • Understand and recognize the purpose and design of an internal audit function along with practical methodologies in establishing departmental policies and procedures
  • Develop a comprehensive internal audit structure, including departmental staffing positions and lines of responsibilities
  • Plan an internal audit examination and communicate the findings and conclusions to an Internal Audit Committee and senior management
  • Understand the role and functioning of an Internal Audit Department compared to the role and responsibilities of external auditors
  • Create personal descriptions and job requirements of an internal audit staff
  • Acquire knowledge of the different types and purposes of various audits as to applicability and function, including risk factors
  • Plan notify and implement internal audit examinations for selected types of audits to be performed
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of in-place internal controls and security policies for organizational networks and information technology frameworks
  • Understanding relevant documentation as it pertains to professional standards and responsibilities as well as best practices
  • Understanding the need of establishing credibility for an internal audit team
  • Conduct post-audit reviews and compile internal control updates for Boards of Directors
  • Develop audit risk and other risk-related assessments

Targeted Audience:

  • Junior Auditors
  • Delegates with Some Experience in Auditing
  • Finance Professionals 
  • Supervisors and managers who are interested in updating, upgrading, and refreshing their knowledge in internal audit

Conference Outlines:

Unit 1: Defining and Developing the Internal Audit Process and Establishing Roles, Functions, and Responsibilities for the Internal Audit Department:

  • Defining, developing, and implementing an Internal Audit Function
  • Defining the distinctions and responsibilities between Internal and External Auditors
  • Identifying the Internal Audit Staff Positions
  • Developing the Audit Committee Charter for a Board of Directors
  • Review of Statements on International Auditing Standards Update and General Auditing Practice Issues
  • Identifying Internal Audit Staffing Requirements

Unit 2: Examining and Understanding the Differences Between Various Types of Audits, Including Risk Factors:

  • Operational Audits
  • Financial Audits
  • Compliance Audits
  • Fraud and Forensic Audits
  • Information Systems Audits
  • Review of Current Year U.S. Audit Risk Alerts

Unit 3: Selecting, Procedural Planning, and Commencing Internal Audit Examinations:

  • Developing Streamlined Processes for Conducting Internal Audit Examinations
  • Identifying Effective Audit Programs for the Various Types of Audits
  • Evaluating and Selecting Internal Audit Methodologies
  • Notifying the Internal Auditee and Supervisors of the Internal Audit Examination and Promoting Cooperation and Assistance in Achieving Common Goals
  • Evaluating Internal Controls Systems and Accessing Network and Computer Files and Folders
  • Effecting Changes to an In-Process Internal Audit Examination

Unit 4: Managing and Monitoring Internal Audit Examinations and Methodologies of Ensuring Credibility for the Internal Audit Team:

  • Planning the Audit Commencement Conference Meeting
  • Accumulating Relevant Documentation during the Internal Audit Process
  • Professional Standards and Responsibilities Associated with Internal Auditing Documentation
  • Tools and Methods for Ensuring a Smooth Audit Process
  • Techniques for Ensuring Credibility for the Internal Audit Team

Unit 5: Issuing Reports of Audit Findings, Conducting Exit Conferences, and Implementing Sound Corporate Governance Policies to Achieve Effective Internal Controls:

  • Conducting Exit Conferences
  • Implementing Sound Corporate Governance Policies to Achieve Effective Internal Controls
  • Communicating Audit Findings and Suggestions for Areas of Improvement
  • Planning the Audit Exit Conference Meeting
  • Distributing the Final Internal Audit Report within the Organization
  • Conducting Post-Audit Reviews
  • Internal Controls Updates for Boards of Directors
  • Audit Risk Developments and Projects on the Near-Term Horizon