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 Mergers and Acquisition M and A 20 Jan Barcelona Spain QR Code
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Leadership and Management

Mergers and Acquisition M and A

REF : M2580 DATES: 20 - 24 Jan 2025 VENUE: Barcelona (Spain) FEE : 5565 



This comprehensive M&A training program equips participants with the knowledge and skills required to navigate the complexities of mergers and acquisitions. It will empower them to make informed decisions and contribute effectively to successful transactions.

Program Objectives:

At the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the key drivers and motivations behind mergers and acquisitions.

  • Identify different types of M&A transactions (mergers, acquisitions, consolidations) and their strategic applications.

  • Navigate the M&A process including deal origination, due diligence, valuation, negotiation, and integration.

  • Perform financial modeling and valuation techniques used in M&A transactions.

  • Identify and mitigate potential risks associated with M&A deals.

  • Develop effective negotiation strategies to maximize deal value for your organization.

  • Lead and manage the post-merger integration process to ensure a successful transition.

Targeted Audience:

  • Investment bankers.

  • Corporate finance professionals.

  • Private equity and venture capital investors.

  • M&A advisors.

  • Business lawyers.

  • Corporate executives and board members.

Program Outline:

Unit 1:

Fundamentals of Mergers and Acquisitions:

  • Defining mergers and acquisitions (M&A): Types, structures, and strategic objectives.

  • Drivers of M&A activity: Market consolidation, growth strategies, synergies, and financial considerations.

  • The M&A lifecycle: An overview of the entire process from deal origination to post-merger integration.

  • The role of different players in M&A transactions: Investment banks, legal counsel, accountants, and management teams.

  • Regulatory considerations in M&A: Antitrust laws and potential approval requirements.

Unit 2:

Deal Origination and Evaluation:

  • Identifying potential M&A targets: Screening criteria and market research techniques.

  • Developing a compelling investment thesis: Justifying the M&A transaction and potential value creation.

  • Valuation methodologies in M&A: Discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis, transaction multiples, and comparable company analysis.

  • Building a financial model for M&A transactions: Projecting synergies, costs, and financial impact.

  • Conducting preliminary due diligence: Assessing the target company's financial health and potential risks.

Unit 3:

Negotiation and Deal Structuring:

  • Negotiation strategies in M&A transactions: Leveraging your bargaining position and creating win-win scenarios.

  • Structuring M&A deals: Acquisition methods (stock purchase, asset purchase), deal terms, and financing options.

  • Term sheet negotiations: Key elements of the term sheet outlining the main deal points.

  • Legal considerations in M&A transactions: Warranties, representations, and indemnification clauses.

  • Managing deal flow and navigating the bidding process: Effectively competing for attractive acquisition targets.

Unit 4:

Due Diligence and Closing:

  • Comprehensive due diligence process: Financial, legal, operational, environmental, and tax due diligence.

  • Identifying and mitigating potential risks: Addressing red flags and negotiating adjustments to the deal terms.

  • Securing necessary approvals: Board of directors' approval, shareholder votes, and regulatory clearances.

  • Closing the transaction: Finalization of legal documents and transfer of ownership.

  • Post-closing adjustments: Accounting considerations and potential purchase price adjustments.

Unit 5:

Post-Merger Integration (PMI):

  • Developing a comprehensive PMI plan: Aligning strategies, cultures, and operations of the merged entities.

  • Communication strategies for successful integration: Keeping employees informed and engaged throughout the process.

  • Managing human capital challenges: Addressing talent retention, cultural integration, and potential redundancies.

  • Synergy realization strategies: Identifying and unlocking potential cost savings and revenue growth opportunities.

  • Measuring the success of M&A transactions: Monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) and achieving long-term objectives.