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 Managing and Coordinating Training Proactively 8 Dec Sharm El Sheikh Egypt QR Code
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Human Resources Management (HRM)

Managing and Coordinating Training Proactively

REF : H230 DATES: 8 - 19 Dec 2024 VENUE: Sharm El-Sheikh (Egypt) FEE : 5985 



Maintaining a high level of productivity in today's successful organizations takes work and continuous learning in a variety of management skills and techniques. To be successful in daily work tasks, knowledge, and skills in management techniques must be learned, practiced, and implemented. People in all types of organizations find themselves needing to find more productive methods of planning work and tasks, setting appropriate goals, using good interpersonal skills, and using effective means of making decisions. A focus on using productive practices allows for effective and efficient management of work and making changes in the organization.

The purpose of this comprehensive program is to assist in furthering one's ability to set goals, plan work and tasks, manage time, make good decisions, and work more productively with others. The program offers a range of practical and highly effective techniques and tools that can be implemented in any workplace. It will build confidence in one's ability, increase the ability to lead people, and build skills to apply management concepts and techniques. One week of this seminar focuses on the concepts, principles, and challenges of task and work planning, with additional topics on time and stress management and how human interaction skill impacts our effectiveness. The second week establishes a focus on key management skills such as setting goals and objectives, establishing performance standards, decision-making processes, and change management.

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course the participants will be able to:

  • Build and maintain effective and efficient planning procedures and processes.
  • Integrate planning management functions into the overall mission of the organization.
  • Develop skills for leaders which will raise their capability, skill, and morale.
  • Improve preparedness to deal with tasks and work contingencies.
  • Improve performance in setting and completing work objectives.
  • Allow teams and leaders to better meet challenges of dynamic, constant change.
  • Establish organizational and personal decision-making capabilities.
  • Be better able to meet the challenges of dynamic, constant change.

Targeted Audience:

  • Head of Departments
  • Managers, Supervisors, and Team Leaders
  • HR Managers
  • HR Professionals who want to extend their knowledge

Course Outlines:

Unit 1: Our Changing World - Personal Assessment:

  • What do I hope to achieve?
  • How will I achieve it?
  • What has changed in work and life?
  • What other changes can we expect?
  • How do we manage this?
  • What are the implications for me and for others?
  • Balancing life and work.

Unit 2: Why Time Matters and How Your Use of Time Affects Others:

  • How am I using my time?
  • What are my time wasters?
  • Time logging.
  • Why do I put things off?
  • Ways that other people use time.
  • Timelines - how do I view time?
  • How does my use of time affect others?

Unit 3: Work Planning and Project Management:

  • Work management methods diagnostic.
  • Pressures on work plans - time, quality, cost.
  • The planning process.
  • Planning work in progress.
  • Analyzing and managing risk.
  • Contingency planning.
  • Problem-solving techniques.

Unit 4: Practical Techniques For Managing Time Wasters:

  • Managing paperwork, real and virtual.
  • Managing travel.
  • Managing meetings.
  • Making the best use of the phone.
  • Using the diary - the key time management tool.
  • Managing Interruptions.

Unit 5: Making it All Work:

  • Work planning practical.
  • Debrief.
  • Testing your plan.
  • Analyzing your strengths and needs.
  • Developing your personal development plan.

Unit 6: Current Status of Setting Goals, Planning, and Decision Making:

  • Introductions.
  • Course purpose, goals, and objectives.
  • Overview and context of organizational change and the impact on goals, planning, and decision making.
  • Understanding the current status of the organization, team, and personal work.
  • Review of management processes and skill areas.
  • Using a planning process to set goals and get work started.

Unit 7: Importance of Goal Setting and Planning Management:

  • Integrating goals, scope, work structure, and management planning.
  • Identifying initial resource requirements.
  • Identifying risk techniques that affect work assignments, priorities, and deadlines.
  • Communication that responds to who, what where, when, how, why.
  • Understanding the importance of quality planning in work assignments.

Unit 8: Setting Priorities and Making Decisions in the Planning Process:

  • Using planning to ensure task priorities are established.
  • Planning for time management, scheduling, and meeting deadlines.
  • Integrating the functions into a final work plan.
  • Improving communications and listening skills.
  • Planning for delegation responsibility and authority.
  • Techniques for making good decisions.

Unit 9: Working with Your Team:

  • Identifying the skills required to obtain the help of others.
  • The importance of group skills to achieve team success.
  • The importance of interpersonal skills in making personal and team decisions.
  • Empowering the team through delegation and decision making.
  • The importance of effective communication in team relations.

Unit 10: Developing Personal and Team Change Action Plans:

  • Innovation and improvement for personal and team change.
  • Identification of change processes and human change.
  • Techniques to set personal and team change goals.
  • Dealing with people who do not want to change.
  • Developing an action plan for personal and team change.