Euro-training Center
 Leading High Performing Teams 25 Nov Kuala Lumpur Malaysia QR Code
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Leading High Performing Teams

REF : C554 DATES: 25 - 29 Nov 2024 VENUE: Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) FEE : 5850 



No matter how knowledgeable and competent its members may be, a dysfunctional team will undermine organizational goals, sap morale, and waste effort. This conference focuses on the critical roles of team leader and middle manager in harnessing their team’s potential and introduces and practices techniques for moving the team to peak performance.

Conference Objectives:

At the end of this conference the participants will be able to:

  • Understand your role as a leader
  • Identify and leverage talent within the team
  • Engage and motivate the team with shared vision and values
  • Establish clear objectives and standards of performance for their team
  • Measure and manage team performance
  • Manag and use conflict and challenge
  • Optimize team flexibility and commitment

Targeted Audience:

  • Experienced team leaders
  • Junior/middle managers
  • Supervisors

Conference Outlines:

Unit 1: Teams and Their Leaders: 

  • Teams, leaders, and managers
  • Key leadership tasks
  • Influence, authority, and power
  • Leadership styles and style flexibility
  • Self-awareness
  • Emotional intelligence and rapport

Unit 2: Vision, Direction & Alignment:

  • Creating a shared vision
  • Aims, objectives and goal alignment
  • Developing meaningful objectives and indicators
  • Divergent approaches to problem-solving
  • Communicating a compelling vision
  • Delivering challenging messages

Unit 3: Team Dynamics:

  • Team development
  • The sociology of the team
  • Characteristics of high-performing teams
  • Balancing team roles
  • Non-traditional team structures
  • Delegation and empowerment

Unit 4: Developing The Team:

  • Learning and competence
  • Building a coherent team
  • Self-managing teams and their challenges
  • Coaching, mentoring, and self-directed learning
  • Feedback and appraisal
  • Leveraging team strengths for peak performance

Unit 5: Performance & Conflict Management: 

  • Defining performance
  • Approaches to measuring team and individual performance
  • Performance through the eyes of the customer
  • Performance management: science or art?
  • Conflict as a catalyst for team development
  • Dealing with challenging interpersonal relations