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 Governance with Risk Management and Compliance GRC 9 Dec London UK QR Code
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Governance, Risk and Compliance

Governance with Risk Management and Compliance GRC

REF : I2647 DATES: 9 - 13 Dec 2024 VENUE: London (UK)-Landmark Office Space FEE : 5300 



This training program delves into governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC) across diverse organizational contexts. It is designed to equip participants with essential knowledge and skills to enhance organizational integrity and resilience in today's complex business landscape.

Program Objectives:

At the end of this program, the participants will be able to: 

  • Recognize the principles of compliance, risk management, and governance (GRC).

  • Understand the regulatory context and legal framework.

  • Explain the rationale for effective regulatory compliance risk management in governance.

  • Identify compliance and high-risk areas within their organization.

  • Apply risk-based thinking in compliance and risk management practices.

  • Define the responsibilities of the compliance officer and their team.

  • Develop and execute a strategic plan for governance, risk management, and compliance.

  • Implement effective and efficient procedures for governance, risk management, and compliance.

  • Utilize a risk-based auditing methodology.

Targeted Audience:

  • Executives and Board Members.

  • Compliance Officers / Managers and their Deputies.

  • GRC Professionals.

  • Legal Professionals.

  • Regulatory Representatives.

  • Company Secretaries.

  • Governance Professionals.

  • Risk Managers.

  • Internal Auditors.

Program Outline:

Unit 1:

Environment for Compliance & Regulation:

  • Governance, Risk, and Compliance Introduction (GRC).

  • A Summary of the Regulatory Landscape.

  • Regulatory Goals for Financial Services.

  • Important Rules Affecting (International) Financial Institutions.

  • Intergovernmental Agreements.

  • Recognize Your Regulator.

  • Environment for Compliance in Your Jurisdiction.

Unit 2:

Risk Management:

  • Characteristics of Major Risk Classes.

  • Main Classes of Risk that Businesses Must Manage.

  • Understanding the Fundamental Ideas behind Each Risk Class.

  • Recognizing Risk Management Techniques.

  • Approach to Risk Management.

  • Internal Controls: Why You Need Them.

  • Risk Identification, Mitigation, and Control.

Unit 3:

Financial Crimes and Compliance:

  • Laws against Money Laundering.

  • Strategies for Stopping Fraud.

  • Cronyism and Bribery.

  • Insider Trading and Market Manipulation.

  • The Risk-based Approach to Terrorist Financing and Money Laundering.

  • Understanding what to do with the information and who to escalate it to after identifying high-risk indicators.

  • Reports of Suspicious Activity (SARs).

  • Sanctions.

Unit 4:

Corporate Governance:

  • National and Global Corporate Governance Environments.

  • Knowing Your Organization's External and Internal Context.

  • Managing Stakeholders.

  • Roles of the Board of Directors and Finance Committee.

  • Social Responsibility of Corporations.

  • Importance of Public Disclosure and Supervisory Transparency.

Unit 5:

Concepts of the "Governance," "Risk," and "Compliance" Model (GRC):

  • Governance, Risk, and Compliance Principles.

  • Roles and Responsibilities in Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance.

  • Integrated Approaches for Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance and their Key Facilitators.

  • Board and Committee Roles and Responsibilities.

  • Choosing the Best Practices.

  • Creating a Successful Governance, Risk, and Compliance Model for Your Organization.