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Financial Analysis Modeling and Forecasting



This training program teaches advanced techniques for analyzing data, building models, and forecasting financial performance. It empowers participants to make informed decisions and strategic plans.

Program Objectives:

At the end of this ptogram, participant will be able to:

  • To interpret corporate financial performance and position, use financial ratio analysis.

  • Calculate the cash flow statement's financial ratios.

  • Calculate the time value of money using Microsoft Excel.

  • Utilize the spinner, list box, option button, and other modeling tools and functionalities in MS Excel.

  • Create models and forecasts for the three primary financial statements.

Targeted Audience:

  • Financial controllers.

  • Analysts.

  • Finance.

  • Accounting managers.

  •  Supervisors, and finance professionals who need to interpret and analyze financial statements and use them to create financial forecast models in their organizations.

Program Outline:

Unit 1:

Financial Analysis Techniques:

  • Vertical analysis and strategy.

  • Horizontal, trend analysis, and growth.

  • Liquidity analysis: Current, quick, and cash ratios, defensive interval, and cash conversion cycle.

  • Asset management and activity ratios, Total and fixed assets turnover.

  • Solvency analysis: Debt, equity, and times interest earned ratios.

  • Profitability analysis: Profit margin, gross margin, return on assets, return on equity, EBITDA.

  • Market and valuation: Price earnings and earnings-per-share ratios.

  • DuPont analysis: The three-step and five-step models.

  • Limitation of ratio analysis.

Unit 2:

Financial calculations in MS Excel:

  • Time value of money:
    • Present Value (PV) and Net Present Value (NPV).

    • Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Multiple IRR (MIRR).

    • Using XNPV and XIRR.

  • Effective yields and returns.

Unit 3:

Cash flow statement: Interpretation and ratio analysis:

  • Cash flow categories: Operating, investing, and financing.

  • Cash flow pattern; the cash cow.

  • Cash-flow-related ratios.

  • Quality of earnings.

  • Financial management.

  • Mandatory cash flow, Discretionary cash flow.

Unit 4:

Model construction techniques using Excel:

  • Data tables.

  • Goal seek.

  • Spinner data modeling.

  • List box data modeling.

  • Option box data modeling.

Unit 5:

Modeling projected financial statements:

  • Micro and macro factors.

  • Forecasting sales: Estimating market demand, Estimating company demand, and Developing sales forecast.

  • Forecasting cost of sales.

  • Forecasting operating expenses.

  • Forecasting key assets and liabilities accounts.

  • Modeling the income statement, the balance sheet, and the cash flow statement.

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