Leadership and Management
Empowerment Through Leadership
This training program is a comprehensive initiative focused on nurturing leadership capabilities through a multifaceted approach. The program aims to empower individuals to lead with authenticity, adaptability, and confidence in diverse professional environments.
Program Objectives:
At the end of this program, the participants will be able to:
Demonstrate heightened self-awareness, understanding their strengths, weaknesses, and leadership style.
Apply a range of effective leadership skills and strategies to inspire and motivate individuals and teams.
Navigate complex challenges with resilience and strategic thinking, fostering innovation and driving organizational success.
Cultivate a culture of collaboration, inclusivity, and continuous learning within their teams and across the organization.
Lead with authenticity and integrity, positively impacting organizational culture and achieving sustainable results.
Targeted Audience:
Managers among all managerial levels.
Supervisors & Team leaders.
Human resources department.
Employees interested in developing their skills.
Program Outlines:
Unit 1:
Master Keys of Effective Leadership:
The principles of leadership.
The mind and the heart of the leader.
The practices of effective leaders.
The five roles leaders play.
Leadership self-assessment.
Rebalance your leadership style for optimal results.
Unit 2:
Towards Emotional Self-Awareness:
Growing your power.
Achieving emotional excellence.
Self-leadership through inner mastery.
Success through a positive attitude, Your time and your life.
Increasing personal productivity.
Direction through personal Integrity.
Designing a strategic plan for your life and career.
Unit 3:
Mastering People Skills:
Understanding Interdependence.
Wining through effective communication.
The active listening model.
The four styles of communication.
Dealing with conflict constructively.
Using the principles of influence & persuasion.
Speaking and presenting skillfully.
The art of win-win negotiation.
Unit 4:
Building and Leading Extraordinary Teams:
How a high performing team differs from a traditional workgroup.
The three elements of high-performance teams.
Understanding the four types of teams.
The stages of team development.
Team dynamics: How teams work.
Understanding and optimizing team member styles.
Leading through trust and Leading through change.
Unit 5:
Performance Management:
Igniting team creativity.
The art of practical coaching.
Conducting effective performance discussions.
Positive discipline through expectations.
Delegating and empowering the right way.
The situational leadership model.
How to analyze development needs.
Using effective tools for managing performance.