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 Corporate Legal Advisers and Chartered Company Secretaries 28 Apr Munich Germany QR Code
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Legal and Contracts Management

Corporate Legal Advisers and Chartered Company Secretaries

REF : U2646 DATES: 28 Apr - 9 May 2025 VENUE: Munich (Germany) FEE : 10100 



This training program is designed to provide participants with the essential knowledge and skills required to excel in their roles. Through it, participants will deepen their understanding of corporate law, governance, compliance, and strategic management.

Program Objectives:

By the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Grasp the fundamental principles of corporate law and its application in business.

  • Develop strategies to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

  • Implement effective corporate governance practices.

  • Provide strategic legal advice to support business objectives.

  • Identify and mitigate legal and corporate risks.

Targeted Audience:

  • Corporate legal advisers.

  • Chartered company secretaries.

  • In-house counsel.

  • Compliance officers.

  • Senior executives involved in corporate governance.

  • Legal professionals transitioning into corporate roles.

Program Outline:

Unit 1:

Corporate Law Fundamentals:

  • Overview of corporate law principles and their importance in business.

  • Understanding different types of corporate structures and the process of incorporation.

  • Exploring the concept of corporate personality and the implications of limited liability.

  • Detailed analysis of the legal duties and responsibilities of directors.

  • Understanding the rights and obligations of shareholders.

Unit 2:

Corporate Governance:

  •  Key principles and practices of effective corporate governance.

  •  Structuring the board of directors and understanding their roles.

  •  Overview of major governance codes and standards.

  •  Promoting ethical behavior and a strong corporate culture.

  •  Best practices for governance reporting and disclosure.

Unit 3:

Compliance and Regulatory Framework:

  •  Understanding the regulatory environment and its impact on corporate operations.

  •  Designing and implementing effective compliance programs.

  •  Strategies to prevent and address bribery and corruption.

  •  Ensuring compliance with data protection and privacy laws.

  •  Techniques for monitoring and auditing compliance programs.

Unit 4:

Strategic Legal Advisory:

  • Identifying and managing legal risks in business operations.

  • Fundamentals of contract law and best practices in contract management.

  • Legal considerations in mergers, acquisitions, and corporate restructuring.

  • Understanding and managing intellectual property rights.

  • Strategies for resolving disputes and managing litigation.

Unit 5:

Corporate Secretaryship:

  •  Understanding the evolving role and responsibilities of the company secretary.

  •  Best practices for managing board and shareholder meetings.

  •  Maintaining corporate records and ensuring accurate documentation.

  •  Effective communication strategies with shareholders and other stakeholders.

  •  Steps for Conducting corporate governance audits and assessments.

Unit 6:

Foundations of Corporate Governance and Legal Framework:

  • Exploring the key functions of legal advisers, including providing legal counsel, managing risks, and advising on strategic decisions.

  • Understanding the core responsibilities of company secretaries, such as ensuring boardroom efficiency, maintaining statutory records, and overseeing compliance procedures.

  • Examining the fundamental principles of good governance, including accountability, transparency, fairness, and stakeholder engagement.

  • Understanding the relevant legal framework governing company formation, operations, and winding-up procedures.

  • Exploring key regulatory bodies and their impact on corporate operations, including competition law, environmental regulations, and financial reporting standards.

Unit 7:

Company Law and Regulations:

  • Understanding various corporate structures (e.g., limited companies, public companies), incorporation processes, and legal requirements.

  • Exploring different classes of shares, shareholder meetings, voting rights, and dividend distribution.

  • Delving into directors' duties, conflicts of interest, insider trading regulations, and disclosure requirements.

  • Understanding the legal framework for M&A transactions, company restructuring processes, and shareholder approvals.

  • Examining specific regulations applicable to listed companies, including continuous disclosure obligations, and governance reporting requirements (if applicable).

Unit 8:

Legal Responsibilities and Risk Management:

  • Understanding key contract law principles, contract formation, and essential clauses for corporate agreements.

  • Exploring legal considerations in corporate finance, debt financing, and securities issuance.

  • Learning best practices for handling regulatory inquiries, investigations, and responding to regulatory concerns.

  • Developing skills for identifying potential legal and compliance risks within the corporate environment and strategies for mitigating them.

  • Understanding legal aspects of crisis management, crisis communication strategies, and crisis response planning

Unit 9:

Company Secretarial Duties and Procedures:

  • Understanding the legal process for company formation, incorporation documents, and registration requirements.

  • Learning about the legal requirement to maintain company records, filing procedures, and record-keeping best practices.

  • Exploring the responsibilities related to shareholder communication, shareholder meetings, and proxy voting mechanisms.

  • Mastering the requirements for annual report preparation, disclosure obligations, and filings with regulatory authorities.

Unit 10:

Board Meetings and Effective Board Governance:

  • Learning the legal framework for board meetings, notice requirements, agendas, minutes, and voting procedures.

  • Developing skills for creating clear, concise, and informative board materials for effective decision-making.

  • Exploring the role and functions of board committees, delegation of authority, and best practices for committee composition and operations.

  • Understanding boardroom dynamics, managing conflicts of interest, and fostering productive board discussions.