Euro-training Center
 Conference on Contract Risk Management and Compliance 15 Dec Istanbul Turkey QR Code
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Conference on Contract Risk Management and Compliance

REF : C719 DATES: 15 - 19 Dec 2024 VENUE: Istanbul (Turkey) FEE : 5850 



This conference is designed to equip participants with the essential skills and knowledge to identify, assess, and manage risks associated with contracts, while ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations. Through it, participants will learn how to develop risk mitigation strategies, improve contract governance, and create a framework for maintaining compliance, minimizing legal exposure, and ensuring smooth contract execution.

Conference Objectives:

By the end of this conference, participants will be able to:

  • Identify and assess risks in contracts, focusing on both legal and financial implications.

  • Implement risk mitigation strategies throughout the contract lifecycle.

  • Ensure compliance with contractual obligations, laws, and industry regulations.

  • Develop frameworks for effective contract governance and oversight.

  • Create systems to monitor and manage contract performance to minimize risks.

Target Audience:

  • Contract Managers.

  • Compliance Officers.

  • Legal Counsel.

  • Risk Management Professionals.

  • Project Managers involved in contract oversight.

Conference Outline:

Unit 1:

Identifying and Assessing Contract Risks:

  • Understanding the types of risks inherent in contracts (financial, legal, operational).

  • Risk identification techniques for contractual obligations.

  • Evaluating the financial and legal consequences of non-compliance.

  • Assessing third-party risks and vendor performance.

  • Best practices for risk assessment in high-stakes contracts.

Unit 2:

Risk Mitigation Strategies in Contract Management:

  • Developing strategies to mitigate identified risks.

  • Negotiating contract terms to manage risk effectively.

  • Including risk-sharing clauses and contingencies.

  • Monitoring contract performance to prevent deviations.

  • Case study: Successful risk mitigation in complex contract environments.

Unit 3:

Compliance with Legal and Regulatory Frameworks:

  • Overview of legal obligations in contract management.

  • Ensuring compliance with industry-specific regulations.

  • Implementing internal controls to meet legal and contractual requirements.

  • Addressing common compliance challenges in cross-border contracts.

  • Contract compliance in multinational operations.

Unit 4:

Contract Governance and Oversight:

  • Developing governance frameworks for contract oversight.

  • Roles and responsibilities in contract governance structures.

  • Ensuring accountability through contract audits and reviews.

  • Managing disputes and enforcing contract terms.

  • Implementing continuous monitoring and reporting mechanisms.

Unit 5:

Managing Performance and Mitigating Breaches:

  • Techniques for monitoring contract performance and adherence to terms.

  • Identifying early warning signs of non-performance or breach.

  • Managing breaches of contract: legal and financial remedies.

  • Using alternative dispute resolution to mitigate risks.

  • Best practices for maintaining strong contract performance and compliance.