Euro-training Center
 Conference Ensuring the Quality of Certification in Vocational Education and Training 26 Aug London UK QR Code
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Conference: Ensuring the Quality of Certification in Vocational Education and Training

REF : C2185 DATES: 26 - 30 Aug 2024 VENUE: London (UK)-Landmark Office Space FEE : 5850 



Trust in qualifications plays a crucial role for people. In this case their qualification has value and they can use it for employment, further education or training. In June 2015 the Vocational Education and Training (VET) ministers for the European Union (EU) Member States acknowledged the importance of encouraging transparency, comparability and recognition of VET qualifications to facilitate the mobility of students and workers in Europe.

Conference Objectives

At the end of this conference, participants will be able to:

  • Do research phases and know about methods applied
  • Understand the certification process
  • know how to provide clear reference points for assessment
  • Know how to provide information to stakeholders.

Targeted Audience

 Staff at all types of education and training organizations (directors / headmasters, quality managers, quality inspectors / evaluators, administrative staff, teachers / trainers)

Conference Outline

Unit 1:

  • Study scope and methodology
  • Research phases and methods applied.
  • The analytical model .
  • Challenges and limitations of the research

Unit 2:

  • Understanding the certification process
  • Context and definitions
  • Approaches to assessment.
  • Verification and grading

Unit 3:

  • Quality arrangements supporting certification processes.
  • Addressing certification in formal quality assurance mechanisms
  • Certification within quality management systems
  • Providing clear reference points for assessment

Unit 4:

  • Providing information to stakeholders.
  • Selection, requirements, and training of assessors.
  • Quality of assessment methods and procedures

Unit 5:

  • Balancing centralized approaches and local autonomy
  • Using certification results to review IVET 
  • Applying EQAVET in certification