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 Comprehensive AI and Machine Learning for Business 3 Nov Istanbul Turkey QR Code
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IT Management

Comprehensive AI and Machine Learning for Business

REF : B2703 DATES: 3 - 14 Nov 2024 VENUE: Istanbul (Turkey) FEE : 8775 



This training program is designed to provide IT professionals with a thorough understanding of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) principles and their practical applications in a business context. It covers foundational concepts, advanced techniques, and real-world implementation strategies. Participants will gain the skills necessary to leverage AI and ML technologies to enhance business operations, develop intelligent systems, and drive innovation within their organizations.

Program Objectives:

At the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the core principles and concepts of AI and machine learning.

  • Apply AI and ML techniques to solve business problems and improve decision-making.

  • Implement generative AI and automation strategies within business processes.

  • Analyze and integrate AI tools and technologies into business strategies.

  • Address ethical considerations and manage risks associated with AI deployment.

  • Explore the historical evolution of AI and its foundational theories.

  • Develop and evaluate AI models and intelligent systems.

  • Utilize AI development tools and platforms for practical applications.

  • Assess the impact of AI on business and develop strategies for future integration.

Targeted Audience:

  • IT professionals.

  • Business analysts.

  • Data scientists.

  • Technology managers.

  • Decision-makers involved in strategic planning and technology integration.

Program Outline:

Unit 1:

Introduction to AI and Machine Learning:

  • Overview of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

  • Key concepts and terminologies in AI and ML.

  • Historical evolution and foundational theories of AI.

  • Overview of AI applications in various industries.

  • Introduction to the AI development lifecycle.

Unit 2:

Generative AI and Tools:

  • Understanding generative AI and its capabilities.

  • Tools and technologies for generative AI.

  • Practical applications of generative AI in business.

  • Successful generative AI implementations.

  • Hands-on exercises with generative AI tools.

Unit 3:

Expert Systems and Machine Learning Concepts:

  • Introduction to expert systems and their components.

  • Fundamental concepts of machine learning and algorithms.

  • Supervised vs. unsupervised learning.

  • Introduction to neural networks and deep learning.

  • Expert systems and machine learning models.

Unit 4:

AI in Business:

  • Applications of AI in business operations.

  • Enhancing customer experiences with AI.

  • AI-driven decision support systems.

  • AI for process optimization and efficiency.

  • Case studies of AI impact in business.

Unit 5:

Implementing Generative AI in Business:

  • Strategies for integrating generative AI into business processes.

  • Identifying opportunities for generative AI applications.

  • Developing and deploying generative AI solutions.

  • Evaluating the impact of generative AI on business performance.

  • Best practices for managing generative AI projects.

Unit 6:

AI and Automation in Business Strategy:

  • Role of AI and automation in business strategy development.

  • Implementing AI and automation for strategic advantage.

  • Aligning AI initiatives with business objectives.

  • Measuring the effectiveness of AI-driven automation.

  • Tools and frameworks for AI and automation strategy.

Unit 7:

Ethical Approaches to AI and Risk Management:

  • Understanding ethical considerations in AI deployment.

  • Managing risks associated with AI technologies.

  • Developing ethical guidelines and policies for AI use.

  • Ethical issues in AI applications.

  • Strategies for risk assessment and mitigation in AI projects.

Unit 8:

Principles of AI Toward Problem Solving:

  • AI principles for problem-solving and decision-making.

  • Knowledge representation and inference techniques.

  • Developing AI solutions for complex problems.

  • Applications of AI in problem-solving.

  • Exercises with AI problem-solving techniques.

Unit 9:

AI Development Tools and Techniques:

  • Overview of AI development tools and platforms.

  • Introduction to programming languages for AI (e.g., Python, R).

  • Tools for data mining and analysis.

  • Developing and evaluating AI models using development tools.

  • Famous AI Development Tools.

Unit 10:

Exploring Intelligent Systems and Applications:

  • Overview of intelligent systems and their applications.

  • Investigating applications of AI techniques in various domains.

  • Machine learning models.

  • Assessing the current scope and potential of intelligent systems.

  • Future trends and innovations in AI and machine learning.