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 Building an Effective Coaching System in your Organization 16 Dec Singapore QR Code
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Human Resources Management (HRM)

Building an Effective Coaching System in your Organization

REF : H973 DATES: 16 - 20 Dec 2024 VENUE: Singapore FEE : 6325 



The most cost-effective method for building the technical and work performance capability of your organization's staff is probably Coaching by professionals from within your own organization. After-all who understands your existing work processes better than your more experienced staff?
But there are many roadblocks in trying to seriously apply to coach, some of these include: Motivation, Lack of Coaching skills, Lack of Teaching Skills, Lack of Knowledge of Sources of Information, Internal Politics, Job Security Concerns, Lack of Management Commitment ... and so on.
This program provides a Blue Print for Building an Effective Coaching System which includes detailed practical steps/methods to overcome each of these roadblocks.

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course, the participants will be able to:

  • Help the HR/ Management personnel identify in detail the current Coaching Skill training needs of their workforce.
  • Take a step-by-step approach to the analysis of Coaching opportunities in your organization.
  • Take away a detailed multidiscipline methodology to complete the analysis.

Targeted Audience:

  • HR and L&D/Training professionals
  • Senior managers
  • Middle managers
  • Supervisors/Team Leaders

Course Outlines:

Unit 1: Establishing the Coaching Relationship:

  • Distinguishing between coaching, mentoring and counseling
  • What is coaching and when is it appropriate to coach?
  • Benefits of coaching to both coach and coachee
  • Developing the qualities of an effective coach
  • Ethical and professional guidelines in coaching
  • Professional conduct
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Confidentiality and privacy

Unit 2: Coaching People to Excellence:

  • Defining Coaching: Coaching v Mentoring v Counselling
  • The psychology of ‘Problem and Need’: the basis of Coaching
  • How and why people learn: understanding the drivers to performance
  • Qualities, attributes, and behaviors required to Coach to Excellence
  • Motivational considerations in Coaching to peak performance
  • Confidentiality and ethics, in Coaching situations
  • Coaching in Action: practical demonstrations

Unit 3: Coaching Mastery:

  • Developing the Coaching ‘chemistry’: building rapport
  • Understanding and developing your Coaching Style
  • Emotional Intelligence and awareness in Coaching
  • The Active Listening model
  • Creating ‘Power Questions’ for coaching excellence
  • Coaching Models explained and applied (GROW, OSKAR, Solution Focus)
  • Structuring Coaching conversations
  • Practical application: coaching demonstrations and practice

Unit 4: Coaching for Peak Organisational Performance:

  • Practical coaching: coaching demonstrations and practice
  • Giving powerful feedback
  • Development of the individual: implementing development plans
  • Team Coaching: Coaching teams and groups
  • Overcoming barriers to coaching in the organization
  • Embedding a Coaching culture in the organization for optimum growth

Unit 5: Increasing Performance through Coaching:

  • Planning and goal setting
  • The power of goal setting
  • SMART goals
  • Creating a realistic and stretching plan
  • Coaching for better time management and productivity
  • The Covey time matrix