Quality and Operational Auditing
Audit Committees in a New Era of Governance
This training program equips participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to fulfill the crucial role of audit committees in corporate governance. Through it, they will enhance transparency, integrity, and effectiveness within their organizations' governance frameworks.
Program Objectives:
At the end of this program, participants will be able to:
Understand the evolving role of audit committees in modern governance.
Identify key risks and challenges facing organizations today.
Develop effective strategies for managing risk and ensuring compliance.
Evaluate financial reporting and internal control systems.
Foster a culture of ethical behavior and accountability within the organization.
Targeted Audience
Board members.
Senior executives.
Internal and external auditors.
Risk managers.
Compliance officers.
Legal counsel.
Program Outlines:
Unit 1:
Navigating Audit Committee Dynamics:
Overview of Audit Committees and their role in corporate governance.
Recent trends and challenges facing audit committees.
Regulatory frameworks and legal requirements.
Effective communication between audit committees, boards, and management.
Building effective relationships with external auditors.
Unit 2:
Mastering Risk Management Strategies:
Risk management frameworks and best practices.
Emerging risks and how to address them.
Cybersecurity risk and data privacy.
Managing reputational risk.
Fraud risk and prevention strategies.
Unit 3:
Ensuring Financial Integrity and Transparency:
Financial reporting and internal controls.
The audit process and audit committee oversight.
Audit findings and management response.
The role of technology in auditing and financial reporting.
Non-GAAP financial measures and their impact on audit committees.
Unit 4:
Ethics, Responsibility, and Sustainability in Governance:
Ethics and corporate social responsibility.
Establishing a culture of ethical behavior.
Whistleblower policies and protections.
Conflict of interest management.
Corporate social responsibility and sustainability reporting.
Unit 5:
Optimizing Audit Committee Performance:
Audit committee effectiveness and best practices.
Evaluating audit committee performance.
Effective meeting management and decision-making.
The role of audit committees in crisis management.
Future trends and challenges facing audit committees.