Euro-training Center
 Advanced Strategic HR Technologies and Workforce Development 3 Nov Cairo Egypt QR Code
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Human Resources Management (HRM)

Advanced Strategic HR Technologies and Workforce Development

REF : H2162 DATES: 3 - 14 Nov 2024 VENUE: Cairo (Egypt) FEE : 5985 



This advanced training program explores sophisticated strategies and technologies in human resource management, focusing on cutting-edge HR technology, manpower planning, analysis, and development. It empowers participants to integrate innovative solutions and advanced methodologies to enhance HR practices and drive organizational excellence.

Program Objectives:

By the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Master advanced HR technology tools and their strategic applications.

  • Implement and optimize comprehensive manpower planning and analysis.

  • Develop and execute high-impact training and development programs.

  • Utilize advanced data analytics to inform HR decisions.

  • Stay ahead of emerging trends and technologies in HR management.

Targeted Audience:

  • HR Managers.

  • HR Technology Specialists.

  • Training and Development Experts.

  • Organizational Development Consultants.

  • Senior HR Executives.

Program Outline:

Unit 1:

Advanced HR Technology Strategies:

  • Evaluating and integrating cutting-edge HR technologies.

  • Implementing AI and machine learning for HR processes.

  • Managing digital transformation in HR.

  • Optimizing HR systems for performance and efficiency.

  • Measuring and enhancing the impact of HR technology on business outcomes.

Unit 2:

Strategic Manpower Planning:

  • Advanced techniques for workforce forecasting and scenario planning.

  • Using predictive analytics for manpower needs assessment.

  • Developing and aligning strategic workforce plans with organizational objectives.

  • Implementing talent management and succession planning frameworks.

  • Addressing workforce gaps and skills shortages proactively.

Unit 3:

Advanced HR Analytics and Metrics:

  • Developing and utilizing key HR performance indicators (KPIs).

  • Applying predictive and prescriptive analytics in HR decision-making.

  • Conducting comprehensive organizational health diagnostics.

  • Analyzing and interpreting employee data for actionable insights.

  • Leveraging data to drive strategic HR initiatives and enhance performance.

Unit 4:

Innovative Training and Development Strategies:

  • Designing and implementing cutting-edge training programs.

  • Utilizing e-learning, virtual classrooms, and blended learning solutions.

  • Developing and evaluating leadership and management training initiatives.

  • Measuring the effectiveness and ROI of training programs.

  • Adapting training strategies to meet evolving organizational needs.

Unit 5:

Employee Engagement and Retention Strategies:

  • Advanced techniques for enhancing employee engagement.

  • Implementing comprehensive employee retention programs.

  • Analyzing engagement data and addressing disengagement.

  • Creating a culture of recognition and reward.

  • Leveraging technology to boost employee satisfaction and loyalty.

Unit 6:

Strategic Talent Acquisition:

  • Developing innovative recruitment and sourcing strategies.

  • Utilizing AI and data analytics for talent acquisition.

  • Enhancing the candidate experience through technology.

  • Building a strong employer brand and talent pipeline.

  • Measuring the effectiveness of recruitment strategies.

Unit 7:

Leadership Development and Coaching:

  • Designing and implementing executive coaching programs.

  • Developing leadership competencies and succession planning.

  • Utilizing feedback and assessments for leadership development.

  • Creating personalized development plans for high-potential employees.

  • Measuring the impact of leadership programs on organizational success.

Unit 8:

Change Management in HR:

  • Implementing change management strategies in HR.

  • Managing organizational change and transitions effectively.

  • Utilizing change management models and frameworks.

  • Addressing employee resistance and fostering adaptability.

  • Evaluating the outcomes of change initiatives.

Unit 9:

Legal and Ethical Considerations in HR:

  • Understanding and applying HR compliance and legal standards.

  • Managing ethical issues and conflicts in HR practices.

  • Implementing policies to ensure workplace fairness and equity.

  • Staying updated on regulatory changes and their impact on HR.

  • Addressing legal risks and mitigating compliance issues.

Unit 10:

Future Trends and Innovations in HR Management:

  • Exploring emerging trends and technologies shaping the future of HR.

  • Adapting to the rise of remote work and digital workplaces.

  • Implementing strategies for continuous HR improvement and innovation.

  • Preparing for future HR challenges and opportunities.

  • Leveraging foresight to drive strategic HR planning and execution.