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 Advanced High Performance Leadership 17 Nov Online QR Code
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Advanced High Performance Leadership

REF : C573 DATES: 17 - 28 Nov 2024 VENUE: Online FEE : 3375 



This advanced-level leadership conference is aimed at giving you the skills you need to manage and lead people to an advanced level - focusing on six key areas of leadership - Communication, Innovation, Vision, Inspiration, Enabling, and Encouragement.

You will have the opportunity to test your current skills and be challenged and coached to become the best leader you can be. Using case studies and examples from great historical leaders, and the elite of the modern business world, we will investigate leadership and human behavioral patterns, look at changes in business trends, study human motivation and work on modern practical leadership tools and methodologies.

At every point in this conference, you will be encouraged to participate in the discussion, group work, practical exercises, meetings and experiments.

This exciting and inspiring conference will give you the challenge and the boost you need to move you onto the next level of leadership.

In a world were staying the same, means falling behind, this could be the challenge you have been waiting for.

Conference Objectives:

At the end of this conference the participants will be able to:

  • Understand the real meaning of leadership
  • Learn how to be must stronger leader
  • Become a master of communication and influence
  • Create and harness the power of vision and visualization
  • Learn the secrets of the past masters
  • Motivate and inspire people
  • Learn how to have a magnetic personality
  • Create momentum and urgency within yourself and others
  • Learn how to engage, inspire and enable your people
  • Clarify their business and personal vision
  • Increase their level of influence on others

Targeted Audience:

  • Directors
  • Senior Managers
  • Managers
  • Department Heads
  • Team Leaders

Conference Outlines:

Unit 1: Leadership:

  • What is true leadership, lessons from the past masters
  • Modern leadership and its impact on business
  • Human behavior, predictable outcomes
  • The new business reality and its impact on us all
  • Force field analysis and the comfort zone
  • Employee mentality versus entrepreneurial spirit
  • The equalizer effect
  • Leaders VS managers

Unit 2: Vision:

  • The strangest secret
  • How to create a vision
  • How to harness the power of vision through visualization
  • Psycho cybernetics and its connection with vision
  • Goal setting the key to making the vision a reality
  • The mastermind group
  • Positive mental attitude, gaining power from a strong vision
  • Linking vision to mission and values
  • Vision timeline, mathematical coaching model

Unit 3: Communication:

  • Discover your communication style
  • Identify other peoples communication style
  • Learn how to motivate and influence each of the style
  • Body language
  • The 5 levels of listening
  • Advanced questioning techniques
  • Selling your ideas and vision
  • How to get buy-in from others
  • Selling your ideas through excellence in communication

Unit 4: Innovation:

  • How to create a culture of innovation
  • How to engage your people to generate new ideas
  • Left brain, right brain, and innovation
  • Creative thinking and problem solving
  • Suggestion boxes, and reward criteria
  • Quantity versus quality on innovation projects
  • Sticky note innovation
  • Absolute VS Desirable criteria
  • Using multi-disciplined employees to gain width and depth
  • Using innovation to reduce costs

Unit 5: Influencing Skills:

  • The relationship bank account
  • The 10 guaranteed deposits
  • Confidence is king
  • The give to get the ratio
  • The fire within, Enthusiasm
  • Time to get passionate
  • The BE. DO.GET model
  • The pipeline principle

Unit 6: The Challenge:

  • The leadership challenge
  • Rule number 1, Everything matters
  • The importance of stretching ourselves
  • Association and its impact on our ability to inspire
  • Receiving feedback on our abilities, from other leaders
  • Why standing still is no longer an option
  • Even eagles need a push, and so do we
  • The cycle of personal growth

Unit 7: Inspirational Leadership:

  • Why some people are inspirational
  • Why Human Beings desire to be inspired
  • Human behavioral patterns and cultural differences
  • Differing forms and styles of inspiration
  • A decision? A skill? or something we are born with
  • Why some people win and some people fail
  • Dreamers versus planners
  • Lighting a fire under your people
  • The leadership challenge

Unit 8: Enabling:

  • What is an enabler
  • Why managers and enablers are so different
  • The skills required to become an enabler
  • How the giving away power, will gain you more
  • Enabling in different cultures
  • Resistance to an enabling business culture
  • Why enabling, gains loyalty and increases trust
  • Why enablers are far stronger than managers
  • The leadership challenge

Unit 9: Engaging and Encouraging Your People:

  • Why most employees are not engaged by their work
  • The 45-year plan, and its effect on motivation
  • The true cost of business meetings
  • Engage your team to gain better results
  • Engagement in business meetings
  • Everyday engagement principles
  • Engaging an audience through presentations
  • Engaging, where to draw the line
  • Recognition and rewards
  • The leadership challenge

Unit 10: Personal Leadership Challenge:

  • The dream
  • The goals
  • The style
  • The accountability
  • The payback
  • The enabler
  • The shield
  • The sword