Euro-training Center
 Advanced Communication amp Problem Solving 17 Nov Amman Jordan QR Code
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Advanced Communication & Problem Solving

REF : C620 DATES: 17 - 28 Nov 2024 VENUE: Amman (Jordan) FEE : 5850 



All businesses in the current climate need a competitive edge. This can be gained through innovative and exciting products and services, or effective and efficient world-class employees.

Top performing organizations are passionate about their most valuable resource - their staff. To maintain their high standards a large proportion of their time and energy is spent on continuous professional development, not only of their employees but of their business.

Teams that find solutions together make things happen. They are committed to getting the job done in the fastest and most efficient way. This doesn’t happen by accident, it is down to the leadership, trust, and teamwork. The finest teams have a clear direction and a route to reach their ultimate goal.

This program investigates the tried and trusted leadership and management processes, procedures, and methodology used by many blue-chip organizations to achieve outstanding results. They utilize highly efficient management tools to develop high levels of performance from their staff. This in turn ensures the future and reputation of their companies through innovative development, service, and evaluation. This conference offers participants practical solutions to work-related issues.

You will explore a variety of behaviors, discuss leadership styles and learn how to get the most out of your staff by using state of the art techniques such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Emotional Intelligence (EQ).

Conference Objectives:

At the end of this conference the participants will be able to: 

  • Develop skills and abilities which can be put to immediate use in the workplace
  • Recognize personal style and behavior preferences
  • Build effective communication skills
  • Develop strategies for creating a positive work environment
  • Learn how to delegate and motivate
  • Build and develop teams
  • Recognize differing behavioral styles and learn to adapt to them to build lasting rapport
  • Understand the key roles you have in encouraging and developing your staff
  • Harness the power of personal motivation
  • Give and receive feedback on performance and perception
  • Manage relationships with others with effective leadership style

Targeted Audience:

  • Head of Departments
  • Managers
  • Supervisors
  • Team Leaders
  • HR Professionals
  • Employees among all departments and managerial levels

Conference Outlines:

Unit 1: How to Build Lasting Rapport:

  • The art of building lasting rapport
  • How to identify behavioral traits and react to them
  • How to modify your behavior to match other’s
  • Sharpen your senses to the signals others are sending you
  • Connect with colleagues and clients at a level that creates deeper trust and commitment
  • Step into another person’s shoes to better appreciate their experiences and motivations
  • Read body language to understand how others are thinking and responding to you

Unit 2: Self Awareness:

  • Key concepts of NLP
  • The relationships between NLP and Emotional Intelligence
  • Connecting your feelings for greater self-awareness
  • Eliciting emotions
  • Noticing your unconscious messages and following your intuitions
  • Self-talk and what it means
  • Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
  • Internal and external referencing

Unit 3: Crystal Clear Communication:

  • Powerful listening and questioning techniques
  • Thinking patterns
  • Filters to communication
  • The use of Metaphors
  • Sub-modalities
  • Perceptual positions
  • Climates of trust
  • Well-formed outcomes
  • Communication exercises

Unit 4: Empathy:

  • Review how to sharpen your senses to the signals others are sending you
  • Communicating first impressions
  • The secrets of body language
  • How we communicate
  • Filters to communication
  • Understanding the science of lying
  • Learning Styles
  • Modeling – how others do things

Unit 5: Motivation:

  • Logical levels of change
  • The importance of values in motivation
  • Eliciting values for yourself and your organization
  • The secrets of motivation
  • Setting goals that motivate
  • Creating a positive future for your organization
  • Testing your well-formed outcomes
  • Stepping into the future

Unit 6: The Psychology of Problem Solving and Decision Making:

  • Group problem-solving exercise
  • Introduction: Why study problem-solving and decision making
  • A synopsis of psychological thought
  • Values, Problem Solving and Decision Making
  • Psychological type and Lateral Thinking for Problem Solving
  • What psychological type reveals about me and my preferences
  • Using a team approach to encourage lateral thinking: ZIGZAG model
  • Individual or group decision making: case studies

Unit 7: Developing Decision Making Skills:

  • Using your left brain & right brain to make decisions
  • Split-brain theory for developing effective problem-solving skills
  • Developing openness to new ideas in making decisions
  • Promoting idea mobility in teams
  • Understanding the creative solving process in individuals and teams
  • IDEAL problem-solving approach

Unit 8: Applying Effective Decision Making Skills in the Workplace:

  • Encouraging creative problem solving for continuous improvement
  • Removing blocks to creative problem solving
  • Convergent versus Divergent Thinking
  • Divergent Thinking Skills for solving problems
  • Using SCAMPER techniques to approach problem-solving
  • Applying SCAMPER techniques to make effective decisions

Unit 9: Making Mental Blocks to Decision Making a Thing of the Past:

  • Challenging self-imposed assumptions
  • Thinking outside the box
  • Increasing new ideas
  • Getting people behind your
  • Evaluating new ideas
  • Creative leadership during problem-solving and decision-making sessions

Unit 10: Effective Leadership and the Dynamic Problem Solving Team:

  • Ensuring alignment with corporate mission
  • Encouraging self-initiated activity
  • Endorsing Unofficial activity
  • Enhancing Serendipity
  • Importance of appreciating diverse stimuli
  • Practicing within-company communication for problem-solving
  • Developing a personal action plan