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Achieving Excellence by Providing a Quality Service
Achieving customer service excellence is not accomplished by accident, nor is it attained without effort and teamwork. It requires well–trained customer service professionals who have a passion for providing quality service. This program emphasizes the importance of providing customer service excellence in a competitive environment, proven strategies for service recovery, and negotiation techniques for professionally dealing with difficult customers.
Program Objectives:
By the end of this program, participants will be able to:
Understand customer service standards and expectations for both internal and external customers.
Handle difficult customers, resolve conflicts, and set SMART goals to boost productivity.
Apply stress management techniques and identify factors that promote customer retention and loyalty.
Use interpersonal skills to improve customer service and develop a customer-focused mindset.
Communicate effectively with active listening and questioning, enhancing service quality.
Targeted Audience:
Head of Customer Service.
Customer Service Supervisors.
Customer Service Professionals.
Program Outline:
Unit 1:
Setting The Standards for Customer Service Excellence:
The benefits of providing excellent customer service.
Breakout session: How to use customer service to promote customer loyalty.
The WOW Factor: Going the extra mile…and then some!
The importance of managing internal and external customer expectations.
First impressions: What do your customers see and hear?
Understanding and working with the four customer styles.
Practical exercise: What is your individual personality type?
Unit 2:
Communicating the Customer Service Message:
How well does your organization communicate the importance of customer service?
Understanding your customer’s nonverbal communication.
Tips for building trust and rapport quickly…face-to-face or on the telephone.
What is your preferred learning style?
Develop your active listening skills to enhance communications.
Use questioning techniques to identify a customer’s expectations and service requirements.
Telephone tips to promote a professional image.
The dos and don’ts of written communication.
Unit 3:
Service Recovery: Handling Complaints and Difficult Customers:
The importance of customer complaints and why they should be encouraged.
Six steps to service recovery.
Case Study: Best Practices of Scandinavian Airlines and The Disney Corporation.
Strategies to help calm upset customers.
Managing emotions during stressful situations.
Empower employees to get the job done.
Breakout session: Step-by-step process for handling a customer complaint.
Dealing with upset customers.
Unit 4:
Principles of Persuasion:
Requesting feedback from customers and colleagues.
The art of giving and receiving feedback.
Case study: Best practices - Xerox’ Five Pillars of Customer-focused Strategy.
Negotiating mutually beneficial outcomes.
Words and tones to avoid.
The RATER Model: Five dimensions of customer service excellence.
Best practices for call handling, documentation, and quality assurance.
Measuring and monitoring customer satisfaction.
Unit 5:
Getting the Right Customer Service Attitude:
The importance of attitude and teamwork.
Focusing on continuous improvement.
Stress management tips to increase productivity.
Practical exercise: What are your biggest “timewasters” that block productivity?
The customer service mission and vision.
Setting personal and professional goals.
Practical exercise: What is your Action Plan?